We are proud to provide information and resources on laws that may impact our clients.
Personal Injury LawCriminal Defense Law

Common DUI Sentencing

In California, it is illegal to operate a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.  If a person is thought to be driving under the influence, they can be arrested, and it can result in a DUI charge and potentially this common DUI sentencing.  State law...

The Personal Injury Trial Process

Many personal injury cases reach a settlement prior to going to trial. If your case is now at the trial stage, your attorney has likely already attempted settlement negotiations with the defendant or defendants in your case. Sometimes, there will not be an offer made...

Understanding Your Rights Surrounding Marijuana

Understanding Your Rights Surrounding Marijuana On January 1, 2018, recreational marijuana use became legal in the State of California.  Prior to this date, the use of marijuana for medical purposes had been legal since 1996, as it was decriminalized at this time to...

California Domestic Violence Laws

In the State of California, domestic violence typically involves a criminal act of abuse taken by one spouse against the other (this also includes former spouses) and may also involve individuals who are in a romantic relationship or cohabitating type of relationship....

Pet Attack Liability in California

Under California law, generally, dog owners are strictly liable for any attacks by their pets. Though there are certain exceptions that may apply depending on the facts of the case, this means that dog owners are typically liable for attacks even if there is no...

Is a DUI Conviction a Criminal Offense?

In California, a conviction for DUI (driving under the influence) is a criminal offense. If you have been charged with a DUI for operating your vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs, it is important to talk to an attorney regarding your charges right away....

Types of Domestic Violence Charges

Under the California Penal Code, domestic violence is defined as a criminal act that takes place against a spouse (or a former spouse), a dating-relationship partner, or any other cohabitant in a home with the acting individual. Domestic violence may also occur along...